
Friday, October 26, 2007

A home video in Youtube taken down by Prince

A home video of an 18 month-old baby with "Let's Go Crazy" by Prince music at the background was taken down by Youtube. Stephanie Lenz, the mother of the baby said she received an e-mail from YouTube informing her that her video had been removed from the site at the request of Universal Music. The latter cried for copyright infringement. Actually, it was Prince who doesn't want his music to be used in Youtube or in any other user-generated site without his permission. But Mrs. Lenz is fighting back and filed complaint with Youtube and so the video was brought back. Moreover, she is suing Universal Music claiming they were abusing the Digital Millennium Copyright Act.

Oh come on! A toddler dancing with your song - isn't it cute and adorable? You can even hardly
recognize the song in the background. Bummer!

For the complete story, click here.

i love u sabado!

it's saturday again, my favorite day of the week - when there is no boss to babysit, less calls to answer, a day for loud music and best of all i'm not oblige to go to work early but allowed to go home early. so, may i say one more time, i love u sabado!

Thursday, October 25, 2007

One in four Americans say the Internet can serve as a substitute for a significant other

I have read this article today and honestly I wasn't surprise about it. Let's face it. Technology has become a part of our lives and our daily routine and it will always be. I can really relate to those people in the survey. I'm not saying I consider the internet as my significant other but 70% of my time in a day i spend it on the internet. I start my day by checking my mail, then at work I use the internet to communicate to people or do my research and end my day by doing stuff in the net. When our friends go to our place, usually they bring their laptops. Scenario is we're in the same house but when we talk we do it in YM or when we play, we play online games. Sometimes we don't talk at all coz we're busy with our own business. I find it weird and scary. Does technology has really take over?

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Life sized wedding cake

yeah. you read it right. it's a life sized wedding cake version of the real bride. got this from ybf. I think its weird. I don't want my ear or my nose be eaten by my guests and especially it is my damn wedding! I think it's very humiliating. As what ybf said "Different does not equal fabulous ". But well, its not my wedding anyway.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

hello world!

Due to persistent demand of him and him, i'm having a new blog again. So welcome to my new haven! To start, I’ll make a promise. I’ll try my best to update my blog often this time. Often - as in make 1 post or more per day.

Enjoy your stay!